... A web-based Atlas of Patient-Derived Xenografts of cancer patients:A resource of MURAL PDX data

PDX model details

PDX ID 435.1A Cx
Host Strain(and Source) NSG
Source: Monash University
Host Strain Immune system Humanized NO
Host Type Castrate
Graft Site Subcutaneous
Current Generation
(* indicates number of generations grown in Castrate host)
17 (13*)
Average PDX Generation Time (days +/- SEM) 56 ± 2
Tumor preparation Tumor solid
Tumor Characterization Technology Histology, IHC, STR profiling, targeted DNA sequencing, RNAseq
Tumor confirmed not to be of Mouse/EBV origin Yes; negative for CD45 and/or positive for human CK8/18 and/or human mitochondria by IHC
Passage QA performed Routine QA every 2-3 passages
Associated meta data
PDX model availability Yes (fixed, frozen or cryopreserved tissue)
Governance restriction for distribution Available to investigators with appropriate ethics approvals, approved EOI from MURAL committee, and material transfer agreements
Pubmed ID 34413304
Markers 435.1A Cx
This heatmap displays the call type of curated CNVs in the presented samples.
This heatmap displays the call type of CNVs in commonly occurred samples.

PDX ID Gene Symbol CNV Log2 CNV Copy CNV Call Experiments name Platform Reference genome
435.1A Cx APC -0.953404 1.03283 loss MURAL Prostate Cancer PDX collection Targeted Twist Panel hg19
435.1A Cx BRCA2 -0.960712 1.02761 loss MURAL Prostate Cancer PDX collection Targeted Twist Panel hg19
435.1A Cx CDH1 -1.20878 0.865269 loss MURAL Prostate Cancer PDX collection Targeted Twist Panel hg19
435.1A Cx CHD1 -0.953404 1.03283 loss MURAL Prostate Cancer PDX collection Targeted Twist Panel hg19
435.1A Cx CUL3 -0.880905 1.08605 loss MURAL Prostate Cancer PDX collection Targeted Twist Panel hg19
435.1A Cx CUL3 -1.08523 0.942634 loss MURAL Prostate Cancer PDX collection Targeted Twist Panel hg19
435.1A Cx ERBB4 -0.880905 1.08605 loss MURAL Prostate Cancer PDX collection Targeted Twist Panel hg19
435.1A Cx FANCA -1.09653 0.93528 loss MURAL Prostate Cancer PDX collection Targeted Twist Panel hg19
435.1A Cx FANCA -1.26642 0.83138 loss MURAL Prostate Cancer PDX collection Targeted Twist Panel hg19
435.1A Cx GEMIN5 0.547014 2.92212 gain MURAL Prostate Cancer PDX collection Targeted Twist Panel hg19
435.1A Cx IGF2R 0.600014 3.03146 gain MURAL Prostate Cancer PDX collection Targeted Twist Panel hg19
435.1A Cx MGA -1.04468 0.969505 loss MURAL Prostate Cancer PDX collection Targeted Twist Panel hg19
435.1A Cx PIK3CB 1.18174 4.537 gain MURAL Prostate Cancer PDX collection Targeted Twist Panel hg19
435.1A Cx RB1 -1.32767 0.796822 loss MURAL Prostate Cancer PDX collection Targeted Twist Panel hg19
435.1A Cx SMARCAD1 -0.842661 1.11523 loss MURAL Prostate Cancer PDX collection Targeted Twist Panel hg19
435.1A Cx SUFU -0.979077 1.01461 loss MURAL Prostate Cancer PDX collection Targeted Twist Panel hg19
435.1A Cx TCERG1 0.611593 3.05589 gain MURAL Prostate Cancer PDX collection Targeted Twist Panel hg19
435.1A Cx TP53 -28.5835 0.00000000497 homdel MURAL Prostate Cancer PDX collection Targeted Twist Panel hg19
435.1A Cx USP28 -1.02655 0.981765 loss MURAL Prostate Cancer PDX collection Targeted Twist Panel hg19
435.1A Cx ZFHX3 -0.959331 1.02859 loss MURAL Prostate Cancer PDX collection Targeted Twist Panel hg19
435.1A Cx ZFHX3 -0.822398 1.131 loss MURAL Prostate Cancer PDX collection Targeted Twist Panel hg19
435.1A Cx ZNRF3 -1.22819 0.853705 loss MURAL Prostate Cancer PDX collection Targeted Twist Panel hg19
435.1A Cx ZNRF3 -1.00402 0.997217 loss MURAL Prostate Cancer PDX collection Targeted Twist Panel hg19

Clinical Information

Sample Number 435.1A
Sample Site Right temporal fossa
Sample source Autopsy
Pathology Tumor Diagnosis None
Gleason Score None
Primary Gleason Score None
Secondary Gleason Score None
Tertiary Gleason Score None
ISUP Grade Group
Tumor Grade
D'Amico Risk Classification
Tumor Volume (in cc) 0.0
Treatment Prior to Specimen Collection ADT, carboplatin plus etoposide

Patient Information

Patient Number 435
Sex Male
Diagnosis Prostate Cancer
PSA at diagnosis (ng/mL) 16.2
Consent to share data

Patient Tumor Collection (Current Model)
Tumour sample ID 435.1A
Patient Age (binned in 5 year age groups) 65-69
This heatmap displays the mutations of curated sequence variants.
Download The Mut plot is not shown
PDX ID Gene Symbol Depth ALT_FREQ Consequence Exon GnomAD_AF CADD_PHRED Clinvar_clnsig Platform Experiments Name Reference Library Type Instrument Type
435.1A Cx ZFHX3 277 1.0 missense_variant '4/10 1.63E-05 32 - Targeted Twist Panel MURAL Prostate Cancer PDX collection hg19 paired NextSeq 500
435.1A Cx BRCA2 216 1.0 frameshift_variant '11/28 . . - Targeted Twist Panel MURAL Prostate Cancer PDX collection hg19 paired NextSeq 500
435.1A Cx SUPV3L1 590 0.65 missense_variant '13/15 . 31 - Targeted Twist Panel MURAL Prostate Cancer PDX collection hg19 paired NextSeq 500
435.1A Cx PRKDC 294 0.51 missense_variant '1/87 . 24.9 - Targeted Twist Panel MURAL Prostate Cancer PDX collection hg19 paired NextSeq 500
435.1A Cx TSHR 492 0.49 missense_variant '11/11 . 27.2 - Targeted Twist Panel MURAL Prostate Cancer PDX collection hg19 paired NextSeq 500
435.1A Cx NTRK2 397 0.49 missense_variant '10/21 . 27.3 - Targeted Twist Panel MURAL Prostate Cancer PDX collection hg19 paired NextSeq 500
435.1A Cx NOTCH3 402 0.44 missense_variant '33/33 1.28E-05 28.5 - Targeted Twist Panel MURAL Prostate Cancer PDX collection hg19 paired NextSeq 500
435.1A Cx IRF4 419 0.44 missense_variant '3/9 3.66E-05 21.5 - Targeted Twist Panel MURAL Prostate Cancer PDX collection hg19 paired NextSeq 500
435.1A Cx NOTCH2 490 0.41 frameshift_variant '34/34 . . - Targeted Twist Panel MURAL Prostate Cancer PDX collection hg19 paired NextSeq 500
435.1A Cx ATAD2B 443 0.33 missense_variant '1/28 . 25.1 - Targeted Twist Panel MURAL Prostate Cancer PDX collection hg19 paired NextSeq 500