... A web-based Atlas of Patient-Derived Xenografts of cancer patients:A resource of MURAL PDX data

PDX model details

PDX ID 1007.R
Host Strain(and Source) NSG
Source: Monash University
Host Strain Immune system Humanized NO
Host Type None
Graft Site None
Current Generation
(* indicates number of generations grown in Castrate host)
Average PDX Generation Time (days +/- SEM) 1000
Tumor preparation tumor solid
Tumor Characterization Technology Histology
Tumor confirmed not to be of Mouse/EBV origin Yes
Passage QA performed Routine QA every 2-3 passages
Associated meta data
PDX model availability None
Governance restriction for distribution Available to investigator
Pubmed ID 10000
Markers 1007.R
AR None
PSA None
NE None
ERG None

Clinical Information

Sample Number 1007T
Sample Site Dura
Sample source Biopsy
Pathology Tumor Diagnosis None
Gleason Score None
Primary Gleason Score None
Secondary Gleason Score None
Tertiary Gleason Score None
ISUP Grade Group None
Tumor Grade None
D'Amico Risk Classification None
Tumor Volume (in cc) None
Treatment Prior to Specimen Collection None

Patient Information

Patient Number 1007
Sex Male
Diagnosis Prostate Cancer
PSA at diagnosis (ng/mL) 5.3
Consent to share data

Patient Tumor Collection (Current Model)
Tumour sample ID 1007T
Patient Age (binned in 5 year age groups) 40-45